Supported dreams become reality

Put simply, I work with creatives, wellness workers and visionaries who would much rather spend their time making stuff and helping people than posting on social media. Building a business is one of the most personally and professionally challenging things we can do in this life. It is also one of the most deeply rewarding.

My 1-1 sessions are primed for deep listening and result in the creation of clear, customized, achievable plans that take the whole person and the context of the work into account. I partner with you to make things run more smoothly and, ultimately, more lucratively. But I do more than simply optimize business - I help to optimize your experience of your life's work. Through an intersectional lens, I provide the strategy and supportive accountability to build new worlds.

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Discovery Package

Running your own business can be equal parts exhilarating and overwhelming. You're creative instincts are on fire and you are excited about what the future might hold. But there are also so many important decisions to make, needs to address and priorities to set.

In this Discovery package, we dedicate (3) sessions to uncovering your most important change themes - the areas that are holding you back from more ease and fluency in your life and work. We sort through your plans, core values, and goals to clarify what needs your attention most right now. Running a business can feel lonely. We work together to organize your endless to-do list and break things down intro actionable steps, empowering you to make your best decisions along the way.

Shift Package

When creating sustainable work, our mindset and self care philosophy makes a huge difference. Often, many creatives find themselves stuck in some kind of loop. Sometimes old work habits kick in or our definition of success needs an update. Sometimes our ability to care for self is not in line with our level of ambition. This "messy middle" is an uncomfortable but necessary stage of running your own business.

In the Shift package, I help you get perspective. We take stock of all the aspects of your work and life that contribute to your current situation and then together we identify the beliefs you are holding that are holding you back. This (5) session package provides a safe and productive container to identify what you need to tackle right now to transform the way you experience your work.

Refresh Package

Change is the only constant, especially in this digital age. Over time we learn and often find inspiration in unexpected places. Once you've found a way to make your work work but have come to the point where you wish to expand, perspective and strategy are extremely important.

The Refresh package is something I created for my clients - post Pandemic- to help them match their older online presence with their updated selves. Over the course of (7) sessions we realign who you have become and how you want your business to work with whatever website or brand identity you chose a couple years ago. We work holistically with your offerings, processes, and communication to set your current business up to serve your desired future.

What clients are saying

Alexander technique and yoga coach Pinelopi Sioni

My list of small business tasks was long, but Shaleah helped me to prioritize. This reduced stress, increased focus, and helped me to feel less lonely. Shaleah is much more than an SEO professional. She is a magic woman who has brought out the best in me.


somatic coach Valerie Adolff

When you meet Shaleah, you will know from the beginning that she is very open minded and has a sharp brain. She understands all the possible advantages, and limits of a project. I highly recommend her as she makes sustainable business development accessible for everyone!


entreprenuer and photographer Karina Louise

Working with her helps me feel confident in my written website content because she makes it polished and more fun to read. But most of all, Shaleah is able to step back and see the bigger picture. She helps to keep the business moving in the direction that I want it to go.

~Karina Louise